Today should be an interesting one for the supporters of Scottish independence because this afternoon Jim Wallace - Lord Wallace of Tankerness to his pals - will be introducing the second reading of the Scotland Bill in the House of Lords.
Slowly but surely support for independence is growing and the unionist parties are like fish out of water, gasping their last breaths with their same old mantras about how Scotland would be incapable of making her own decisions without the help of the Westminster government.
The feeble attempts in the last week, by the London-based Scottish secretary Michael Moore and Treasury secretary Danny Alexander, to attack the Scottish government have backfired badly and at one point, when watching Danny Alexander's speech, I very nearly felt sorry for him. I've heard better speeches from a first year debating group.
Today the former MSP George Foulkes, will put forward an amendment to the Scotland Bill to make the UK government call a referendum on Scottish independence by 2013, while Jack McConnell will call for unionist parties and businesses to come together to make the positive case for Scotland to remain in the UK.
Kick-off is 2.30pm and the fun can be watched on the BBC's Democracy Live. It may be worth recording it if you can't watch it live.
Ta for the reminder!
Should be fun John.
On July the 9th our PM welcomed South Sudan's independence...
"The UK is proud to have been a witness to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement and to be among the first to recognise South Sudanese independence. We welcome South Sudan into the community of nations and look forward to building ever stronger links between the UK and South Sudan in the months and years ahead. "
This is a country with wars on two borders and where 1 in 7 children die before age 5. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes due to the violence. It has lots of oil though.
So why can't Scotland go it alone again ?
Thanks for the ‘heads-up’.
Duly forewarned, I have been out this morning and painted the garden fence. I will now happily spend the rest of the day watching it dry in the afternoon air, rather than be subjected to some old fossils discussing such condescending claptrap as is the Scotland Bill.
We can RM, it's just that Westminster wants our oil. Now if we didn't have the oil ...
Oh JRB, you are becoming a fuddy-duddy. :) It could be entertaining watching the unionists tying themselves in knots.
Well done with the fence. I have quite a bit to do in the garden do but it's like an April day here with sunshine and heavy showers.
I had heard the other day that Scotland will never be able to break free as the basis for the challenge (call it what you will) is all wrong, it was explained to me that the 'union' is not subject to 'english' laws anyway as it was a sitting king of Scotland that took up the vacant english throne and therefore the 'english' do not have the power to free Scotland and never had...
How much truth there is in this I will leave to others to research and decide, it was an amusing little interlude to listen to though
"gasping their last breaths with their same old mantras about how Scotland would be incapable of making her own decisions without the help of the Westminster government."
Who has specifically said this?
Although often exasperated by some of the things the SNP do, I give them credit for sticking to their principles on key issues. Health-care and education free to all at the point of need, to be paid for by all of us in our better days.
I am also proud that they have consistently refused to accept seats in the Lords.
Searing comment above by RMcG about the NIMBY attitude of the English to independence.
Here's a story. Many decades ago I lived in a flat in the Royal Mile, Chessels Court. Among my neighbours were Malcolm Rifkind and the late John Smith. One evening, I was kindly invited by Malcolm and Edith to a party in their flat.
At that time, I was chairman of Holyrood branch of the SNP. My hosts were well aware of that, since I had chapped at their doors canvassing. I was subjected to a bit of ribbing in the course of a convivial evening. I tried to give as good as I got.
But I went too far when I opined that the Scots would have had their independence long ago if they had black faces.
Malcolm Rifkind and John Smith were for once united in coming down on me like a ton of bricks.
"I went too far when I opined that the Scots would have had their independence long ago if they had black faces."
Tee hee hee. How brave of you.
Except there has NEVER been a majority in favour of Scottish 'independence'. It is simply a barefaced Scottish Nationalist LIE.
But then that's what the Scot Nats are - liars from cradle to the grave.
But then that's what the Scot Nats are - liars from cradle to the grave
I presume you have the evidence for this or is it just your arrogance/ignorance speaking.
William you appear to be somewhat lacking.
The answer to the post from Hamish is that as Scotland is not a colony then his point was spurious.
Here to help.
William, about that supposed majority who support the Union... You might want to look them up since polls seem to indicate they've gone missing. ;-)
Now that is interesting nominedeus. I'll see if I can find out more about that.
William I think it was me on a 'think positive' day. :)
Super story Hamish. Sometimes the truth hurts doesn't it.
William, we don't really know how many people would vote for independence. Hence the idea of a referendum.
All these polls do is select strangers. I've never been asked, have you?
Auch CH, I think William's having a bad hair day.
Observer, you do make me smile at times. I see you've been on the "Here To Help' course. :)
Good point Jeanne.
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