Friday, 20 August 2010

Pant Guidance

This post is nothing to do with how pregnant women should breath during childbirth but everything to do with the ludicrous manner in which a police force spends our money.

Some well paid police officer, belonging to the West Midlands force, has had so much spare time on his hands that he's decided to issue strict orders to all staff that they must turn up on 'inconspicuous' underwear of an 'appropriate' colour beneath their uniforms. It must be a male who dreamt this up because I can't imagine any women being the slightest bit interested in what underwear her colleagues decide to slip on for duty.

It's reported police officers are outraged and rightly so.

“If I wear a pink thong I’m in trouble for exposing myself, but if I wear a nice sensible pair of knickers I’m going to get hauled up for exposing a VPL (visible panty line),” she said.

“I don’t know what they expect of me. I’d be better off going commando and not wearing any knickers at all.

“The same goes for male officers. They have been told they should not be showing their boxer shorts to the general public when they are on duty.”

I've never seen a police officer's underwear and I can't think of any official situation where that would be likely to occur. Like the female officer says above commando would solve the problem. This post is not to encourage those who live within the boundaries of the West Midlands constabulary to request a viewing of any duty officer's underwear - it is purely for information purposes.


Witterings from Witney said...

Only one comment to make on this press story SR:


Joe Public said...

Those morning "Inspections" will be so much less-interesting now!

The Last Of The Few said...

Not an undie comment more of an observation.

Our boys and girls for that matter, no longer wish to be known as a Police Force.

They now call themselves a Police Service.

They see nothing forceful in what they do......except for the groups that police thhe G20 for eg. A certain Newspaper vendors may have a point to disagree with on that.

However as a Police Service.......what a load of pants.

See what I did there ???

Smoking Hot said...

What the hell is visible? Police wear body armour, utility belts, hi-vis jackets which renders distinguishing gender virtually impossible if it was not for the male and female hats!

Last year there was a directive for female officers to stop wearing wonderbras in case a bullet hit the wire of the bra and caused more damage. You've got more chance of winning the lottery than that scenario happening.

You are of course correct Subrosa. lt is senior male officers issuing these directives. Probably with the hope that they can inspect for violations ... the issue of what male officers wear just being a smokescreen to try hide their fetish.

:) word verification was 'bracutt'

Clarinda said...

The long arm of the law - or should that now be the long john of the law? Definitely a job for the Directoire Inspector.

Sorry - it's that Friday feeling.

JRB said...

Looks like we will be subjected to more police ‘bloomers’.

The Last Of The Few said...

As long as this help get to the crotch............i mean crux of the issue !

The Last Of The Few said...

Remember the police need all the support they can get !!

subrosa said...

Ah WFW, well done. I was tempted to write that at the end myself but knew someone would say it for me. :)

subrosa said...

Sad isn't it Joe. I didn't realise police have to walk round in underwear as well as uniform at inspections.

subrosa said...

I saw what you did there LotF. Very clever too. :)

subrosa said...

Definitely this has been thought up to satisfy someone's fetish Smoking Hot. If their CID branch is any good they should be able to identify him pronto.

subrosa said...

Gosh it's Friday right enough Clarinda. The week has just flown by.

Would today's police wear long johns? I suppose, if they're sensible and it's really cold some would. Then again when did common sense enter into some people's heads?

subrosa said...

Auch John, the best one yet! I can always rely on you to put a smile on my face on a wet Friday.

subrosa said...

LotF, you're on form this morning. Great stuff thanks. More to smile about. :)

muddypaws said...

.....and what are the Glasgow Polis pipe band meant to wear?

Indyanhat said...

They should all wear split crotch pants, to remind them constantly that they live and work in a free and open democratic (hah) society!

Alex Porter said...

Bring's a new meaning to the 'Secret Policeman's Ball'. If an infringement is alleged, will strip searches ensue and can offending garments be taken down and used as evidence?

Officer, take me away.

subrosa said...

Alex, wasn't there a typo in your last comment? Shouldn't it have read 'Policeman's Secret Ball'?

subrosa said...

I'm told it's short johns muddypaws but I've never investigated. Can't get near enough to them for women sticking cameras up their kilts.

subrosa said...

What's the point in split crotch pants Indyan? Ah, got it. ;)

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rosie, I knew your blog was waning a bit, but I ask you, printing porno pics of yourself in a pair of flimsy knickers. I don't know what things are coming to. You used to be able to come on here for a bit of moral guidance, which I'm told I need now and again, as I tend to get carried away and write huge, big, long sentences, which in their own way don't mean very much to the reader who as aften as not is not concerned in any way with the story as it is usually about some totally immoral subject and often includes swear words which on a normally moral website like yours, I would not use.

Dark Lochnagar said...

P.S. remind me sometime to tell you the joke about the Glasgow Polis woman who goes out on patrol without her knickers.

Witterings from Witney said...

DL, you do not tell ladies jokes like that one!

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

Rosa these 'artistic' prints of you have got to stop.

I had just about persuaded my wife that blogs were serious attempts to promote justice and harmony.

subrosa said...

A picture of me in my knickers could never be classed as porn DL. I'm sure I could rustle up a few witnesses to back my statement.

Is my blog waning? Auch well it's the holiday season. Surely I'm allowed to lay off the good old presbyterian preachings for a few weeks. You should be pleased.

subrosa said...

Now I'm curious WFW. ;)

subrosa said...

RA, when I was the age of that model French knickers were what we wore to go out on a Saturday night.

Well this post was half way there as it discusses justice or at least part of our justice system. Harmony? I don't think they'll be much in any East Midlands cop shop today.

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