Friday 5 February 2010

England's NHS Capital Spending to be Cut by 22%

Channel 4 News has learned that England's Department of Health plans to cut expenditure on new hospitals and crucial equipment - known as capital spending - by 22% in the next financial year.

According to the report the Tories, should they be elected, will not overturn the policy.

Wouldn't they be better cutting some of their excessive management?


Anonymous said...

In a word.... yes

Captain Ranty said...

Wouldn't they be better not wasting £1 BILLION on a false pandemic?

See this:

(I sheepishly admit it was my post. If you had blushing doohickies, Rosie, I would have used one).


Demetrius said...

Having seen this kind of thing before and being a member of an Area Health Authority at the time some serious effects will be felt at an early stage. Watch the death rate.

Oldrightie said...

Nobody is telling the truth about the state of The Nation. It is as never before. Not in the 1930s or even the second world war. We are not broke but destitute and it is never, ever going to be the same again. The only tiny hope is that individuals will come together and perform a miracle divorced from Party political self-interest and nonsense. This can only happen through localism and protectionism. Globalisation has been an utter failure.

subrosa said...

Agree Tris.

subrosa said...

I read that one CR. Was bang on the nail.

ps My doohickies don't blush, they only gravitate.

subrosa said...

That's something the MSM seldom mention Demetrius although it's the most important statistic of all.

I'll take your advice and keep and eye on it.

subrosa said...

The holes in the spin we're given is beginning to show though OR, at least some small ones.

The tories, if they get in, will blame labour of course and carry on regardless.

Oldrightie said...

A degree of fairness, my darling Subrosa, blaming Labour will be a truth!

subrosa said...

OK I'll give you that one OldRightie. :)

Cate Munro said...

OMG . . this is an abomination! Not necessarily the cuts . . . more the LIES! (Thanks for stopping by my blog SB - your comments are always held in high regard and appreciated ;-))

subrosa said...

TT, I read your blog every day but at times on my readers.

Really do like your new design. Very easy to read. I'm getting old I suppose as 'busy' blogs are distracting.

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