Labour's campaign war-chest has been given a £2.25m top-up ahead of the general election.
The boost from three wealthy Labour backers comes ahead of a new year fundraising drive assisted by David Blunkett.
The latest large donations to Labour came from Lord Sainsbury, the former science minister and financiers Nigel Doughty and Sir Ronald Cohen. Sainsbury and Doughty gave £1m each while Sir Ronald donated £250,000.
In September Labour's debts of £9.8m were more than double the Tories £4.2m.
A new internet fundraising initiative is also set to go live after New Year. Gordon Brown must hold an election by June at the latest.
Blunkett said: "We know that those with a vested interest in the election of a Conservative government are pumping money into the Tory coffers.
"Our job is to ensure that the voice of the people, not just those with the power of privilege, is heard through to polling day."
The power of privilege? Mr Blunkett and the labour party know all about that. Nobody has more privilege in this country than our elected politicians along with other members of government such as the judiciary.
Why are political parties allowed to run up debts into the millions without any action being taken? Ah, that'll be another example of the power of privilege.
"Our job is to ensure that the voice of the people, not just those with the power of privilege, is heard through to polling day."
Hmmm. Interesting statement by Blunkett there. That'll be why their donors seem to consist of Lords and Sirs (with no vested interests).
I'm not an accountant but I guess all political parties are technically bankrupt. As long as they have members who are prepared to write them an occasionally cheque (guilty) they are okay.
And yet only today Jack Straw was complaining in the Independent that the Tories were trying to buy power via Lord Ashcroft. The hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds!
My complaints in Scotland is that both the 'evil two' spend money raised outwith Scotland; thats not democracy!
Is that a subliminal wish or a prediction?
'Voice of the people'
How very interesting coming from a party that professes to be of the people yet takes no notice of them once the 'x' has been put to paper.
Labour will win the next election courtesy of the unlimited slush funds of The EU.
C Soundbite, you're quite right. Labour cuddle up to the elite just as much as the tories.
We wouldn't get away with being technically bankrupt though Strathturret. Surely if they're that then they can't pay their debts?
Doesn't surprise me one bit QM. Labour are more class conscious than the tories anyway.
No it's not democracy Strathturret. I just thought I'd record the tory and labour backers so as we have it in the months to come. Always handy to be able to cross reference. :)
Erm Dick... that's my favourite typo. Didn't you know? :)
Aye, Cato, I found that quite amusing that bit too.
OH OR don't say that. Don't the tories and labour get similar amounts?
And they have guaranteed that the many Americans with Scottish ties can't donate to any Scottish party, not that I would. *whistles innocently*
Jeanne, being such a pillar of the community I'm sure you wouldn't break any rules about donating to any Scottish political party.
Someone else might equally have said ""We know that those with a vested interest in the election of a Socialist government are pumping money into the Labour coffers.
Exactly banned. Good quote to use during the election both of them.
Interesting stuff subrosa. Never in the field of Labour endeavour has so much been owed by so many to so few.
PS I'm sure you know already but Iain Dale has given you a plug. You're undoubtedly now Scotland's prima bloggerina :o)
"Our job is to ensure that the voice of the people, not just those with the power of privilege, is heard through to polling day."
Ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.....etc.,
And it wasn't made up but expressed sincerely! Ho,ho,ho,ho.....stop it I'm sore!!!
Any one recall how he voted when they put my tax up to 20%
I remember how he voted Dram. In fact I'll never forget it.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
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