Monday 28 September 2009

Kelvin MacKenzie - "I'm not anti-Scottish"

It was quite a surprise to see an article, written by Kelvin MacKenzie, in the Scottish version of the Sunday Times.

Mr MacKenzie, as we all know, is the ex-editor of the Sun and has strong views about UK politics. He entitled his ramblings 'SNP forfeited right to govern with it freed Megrahi'.

Dare I suggest that Mr MacKenzie is rather tardy in offering his opinion on this matter. The whole article is a rant about the SNP and the Scottish government and he's even silly enough to support the nastiness of David Starkey who seemingly warned last week 'that Scotland is now governed by a bunch of idiots who might not even make county councillors in England'.

Why do I have a feeling that Mr MacKenzie has called in a few favours from the Times editorial team to have this drivel published in what is usually a decent publication? Why do I also have a feeling that he's in the pay of labour who are desperate to attack the SNP government - particularly this weekend before the Jim and Iain show at the labour party conference?

Of course Mr MacKenzie defends himself against criticism by stating, "I'm not anti-Scottish". Pull the other one Kelvin.

If you can be bothered reading his nonsense you can do so here.

Thanks to Mandy for drawing my attention to this.


JRB said...

I wonder how much the SNP had to pay Mr MacKenzie to write that article?

Best argument I’ve read yet for Scottish independence.

If such is the opinion of The Times, the bastion of the English press, then it is not worthy of reasoned comment. The ranting of such an individual has done more to further the case for independence rather than oppose it.

Alex – think you have just secured another ‘YES’ vote!

subrosa said...

Oh JRB, you are cynical. :)

What surprised me wasn't MacKenzie's ravings but the fact that the Sunday Times published them. Of course editors don't have to agree with journalist content but surely the content of this is far low Times' quality.

CrazyDaisy said...


A very bitter and emotive rant and I mean RANT, that does not even qualify as journalism.

What a loser, interesting piece in the Mail on Sunday about STV telling ITV to poke off as Scotland has different viewing tastes to England, no surprise there then! Now ITV getting in a huff stating - you will broadcast our southern shite north of the border.

The Worm Has Turned!

Cloudy here.

Crazy Daisy

Trident said...

The worst criticism of Scotland recently came from this ill informed moron. As you all know I am not a nationalist, but I am a patriot - Starkeys' problem is that he is neither as academically successfully as TC Smout or as widely published - an Englishman who also studied at Cambridge and went on to write the much acclaimed definitive history of the Scots, and is widely acknowledged as a foremost authority - which Starkey will never be, he's just a media whore with a speech impediment.

Is there a new conspiracy in England to knock Scotland? And to what end?

subrosa said...

Morning CD, I wouldn't say the worm has turned but it's certainly wriggling hard.

Cloudy here too but not cold. Another dry day - that's 2 weeks without rain.

subrosa said...

A new conspiracy polaris? It's been going on for years but I sense a greater panic in unionist circles.

The less said about Starkey the better - your description is perfect.

wisnaeme said...

Ah, it's himself the meja hack with his enthusism for ejaculation on poor suffering lugholes, the ranting of his deeply held convictions.

The Times article you say, Subrosa.

Uh Huh.

...and while we're on the subject of the Times or said proprietor of same...

An influencial mentor going by the name of Murdoch.

It seems not is at all hunky dory in his meja empire.

Stephen Glover has done a nice number on the Murdoch saga in the Independent.

Money worries eh? Oh aye, we have the money worries in these uncertain times. Some more than others, apparently.

subrosa said...

You think that Murdoch has something to do with bringing down the tone of the ST's journalism yesterday wisnaeme?

Much as I didn't want to think that, you're right.

I'm off to read Stephen Glover.

Allan said...

I suspect MacKenzie would consider it some sort of libel to describe him as in the pay of New Labour. To put it simply, MacKenzie is a Thatcherite, and Thatcherites have never really forgiven Scotland for not voting for them in our droves.

Do you think that this is the first in a series of articles, the next one being "Honestly, I love Scousers".

subrosa said...

Wouldn't surprise me Allan. :)

Still can't understand why MacKenzie was writing in the Sunday Times of all papers.

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