Tuesday 16 June 2009

Life on the Forward Operating Bases in Afghanistan

Source: Helmandblog


brownlie said...


I don't really wish to comment on this except to express the hope that they all come home fit and well.

subrosa said...

Videos of war aren't popular brownlie, but someone's got to show what it's like. Too many people forget or don't even know what these brave folk go through, and all to protect the people.

brownlie said...


I've seen it like it is and, as I've said before, I wonder why main TV Company's don't show the absolute horror or this or any other war.

subrosa said...

The main TV companies can't afford the training required for large teams to be at the front line. If you read the Helmand blog and also the one relating to Iraq, you'll find information all about it brownlie.

This lassie was courageous but it seems she's been highly trained in such situations.

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