Thursday 18 June 2009

The Alternative FMQs 18 June 2009

Today I heard bits of FMQs on radio but I won't be watching it until perhaps tomorrow, so I thought it may be interesting if I left this as an open thread for comments. Here are some points you may like to consider:

Is there any chance that Iain Gray's delivery will improve?
Was he right to go on climate change?
Did Annabel Goldie do well?
Did Lavish Tavish score an own goal using a school in the FM's constituency?


Unknown said...

I thought Tavish's had the line of the day and it visibly unsettled Salmond:

He "doesn't know, won't say or thinks it's someone else's job".

It is true - he's always trying to pass the buck onto someone else.

He was the only one who came close to landing a blow on Salmond, as is frequently the case.

As for Iain Gray, I don't know whether he's trying to emphasise the difference between him and Salmond, trying to be the ordinary bloke against Salmond's flash exterior, but the mouse v lion thing surely ain't working. He has such a soporific voice, and he could just as well be reading the fishing forecast. It's a shame, because he had the makings of a good question.

I thought it was an absolute disgrace when Labour MPs started carrying on when Alasdair Allan asked about the job losses on Uist.

Salmond did quite well, apart from when he was unsettled by Tavish. He is very good at these confrontational situations, you have to give him that.

subrosa said...

I haven't seen it yet Caron, but I did hear Tavish on the radio and it didn't sound to me as if he landed a punch on Alex. On the contrary I thought Alex Salmond was correct at saying how silly Tavish was using a school in the FM's own constituency. Once I've seen it I may think differently and I promise I'll own up if I do.

brownlie said...



I think Caron was, indeed, watching the alternative FMQs.

subrosa said...

Brownlie, I'll be able to see the body language once I've watched it. At present I don't have access to it and using a laptop. How I hate these things.

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