Wednesday 22 April 2009

New Scottish Blog

Click on the picture to enlarge 

A new blog on Scottish politics and definitely worth a read! 
Editor's Note:  I do hope my regular readers are impressed with the skill I've acquired to take the photo of it and do the enlarge thing.  Even I'm impressed.


McGonagall said...

Excellent blog, and I am impressed with your skills Subrosa - well done.

Faux Cu said...

During my fitful sleep last night I couldn't get the Leaking Chanter out my heasd.

What does it mean?

Chanter after singer?
Chanter after bagpipe pipe.

Leaking as in letting fluid out
Leaking as in passing on information?

or, my choice

Leaking as in passing fluid
Chanter as in Chantie, a night piss pot.

So then, it is leaking piss pot or as our North American cousins, a broken crock of shit.

Stephen Glenn said...

I am impressed, but see it wasn't really that awkward now was it :)

CrazyDaisy said...


Loved it, they better keep Foulk up aff the Bacardi 151 otherwise he'll be walking the plank or should that be plonk?!


Anonymous said...

I am impressed subrosa, well done. No doubt Labour will try to pin this blog on the SNP, they tend to think anyone who has it in for Labour in Scotland has to be SNP.

Its a case of what goes around comes around..!!

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Kudos subrosa, I still can't embed a video.

subrosa said...

Oh FC, I can tell you had an intelligent night's sleep :)

subrosa said...

Stephen it's taken me around 2 weeks to find out I have the Grab programme on this Mac and how to use it. As for the click to enlarge - well, I tried for about half an hour to work it to no avail. Then when I published it hey ho it works. So don't ask me why although it's certainly far more luck than skill.

subrosa said...

CD, do plonkers walk planks?

subrosa said...

Thanks Spook, as I say I even impressed myself.

Oldrightie said...

Par excellence!!!

Faux Cu said...

Dear Lard FFSake

If you are reading this, how come I cannot post?

It will not take a post from me.

There is another blogsite, forgotten the name, he is someone on the Hottsmon website who signs in as his blog name or address, which also excludes me.

Maybe they are out to get me?

subrosa said...

Great isn't it Oldrightie. Wish I had the ability to write so well.

subrosa said...

Still can't post FC? Can you try another email login address?

CrazyDaisy said...

No, but it made me laugh like a cat walking the keys of a piano - plinky plonky alla' Les Dawson style!


Alan Smart said...

Long live the Red Baron - the national movement's secret weapon

But partisan issues aside. I think we should applaud Labour for its imaginative use of its Lothian list's top spot. Oveweight, overpaid, ageing, middle class, male oaffs in the pay of so many establishmnt lobby groups one loses count, is just what Labour and Scotland is so so short of.

Glasgow should follow Reekie's lead and reserve its top slot next time round for Gordon Jackson. Govan is still recovering from its disgraceful rejection of this obscenely paid and still practicising advocate. And what an honurable guy - ,despite this slap in the face by the unwashed masses. it can honestly still be said that , now unpaid and rejected, he is still working as hard now for the people of Govan as he ever did.

The new blog, whilt focusing on the heroic efforts of lord glenmorangie, should be dedicated to Gordon Jackson, for whom a Lordship is surely long overdue. If only it did not involve a pay cut.

Revise these daily attendace fees ever upwards, so as our impoverished advocates are not forever and unjustly excluded from this particulasr gravy train. A cause fro Lord Foulkes to champion surely - a reformed Union is what he has promised us after all

subrosa said...

AWC your comment deserves a post of its own. Have you done it yet?

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