Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Jim Murphy, Saviour of The Union

And there’s more ...  

It’s not looking good for Jim is it?


  1. “Pure dead brilliant” – the best political viewing there is been in an eon.

    (… but have to confess I still like Irn-Bru)

  2. So i assume in your opinion that the snp can do no wrong ?

    What about the named person , id databases of the population by the backdoor, police carrying guns without the consent of the public to name a few ... All that ok in your opinions ?

    Its about time some people removed their tartan coloured glasses and had a look at what they are doing to this country. They want to be free of the uk its just a pity they dont afford those same freedoms to Scotland's mums and dads eh !

  3. Thorough agree with Wayne, I can't see anything the numpties in Edinburgh have done that isn't extremely authoritarian, it's almost as if they don't trust ordinary people. It certainly looks as though they couldn't give a toss about the future as long as they are top of the dungheap.

  4. Thorough agree with Wayne, I can't see anything the numpties in Edinburgh have done that isn't extremely authoritarian, it's almost as if they don't trust ordinary people. It certainly looks as though they couldn't give a toss about the future as long as they are top of the dungheap.

  5. I like the odd glass of it too JRB. :D

  6. Not at all wayne. If you read back in this blog you will see I’m very anti some SNP policies. In fact you’ve given me an idea for a post which I may write tomorrow.

  7. Nessimmersion, I more or less agree with you but I refuse to vote labour or conservative.

  8. We all have choices. Here it is to vote for either the Stalinist party bringing in Named person etc etc or any of the others that are less authoritarian.
    Think of it as "Which one will cause the least harm." or Revealed Preferences.

  9. Perhaps we should just stop pissing about, name Nicola Sturgeon as President, Salmond as PM and move Parliament to Edinburgh?

    I don't get the SNP. First they want Scotland out of the UK and now they want to stay in the UK and run it

  10. Funny how the SNP is held up as bad when Labour, Lib Dem, Tory's, and their predecessors have all done worse to the UK, and Scotland. At the moment, with an election coming,the Westminster "regulars" are doing their best to disenfranchise Scotland to the advantage of England. Remember that Scotland didn't create the electoral system, Westminster did. When it looked like the referendum would go against them, all the dirty tricks and lies came out. Well, they had their chance to get rid of us but political greed and then fright of history's verdict came into play ! The parties South of the Border have not exactly covered themselves with glory with respect to Scotland, after 300+ years of Rule from south of the border, and with the farce of an election going on at the moment, is any one surprised Scotland wants out? The SNP is just doing what Westminster has done for centuries,used Westminster's own rule book. You know, I don't like some of the things the SNP have done, But I dislike a lot that Westminster has done a damn sight more !

  11. What a pile of trype ! . Scotland wants out ? Since when ? What was the ref result again ? Oh thats right Scotland voted NO .

    Funny if scotland wants out why is sturgeon prostituting herself on national telly to help get labour into power ?

    The Gnats dont want out they want power ... Just like every power hungry nationalist in history .

    By the way ... The Gnats dont speak for Scotland. The gnats won the last scots election with less than 40% turnout so they speak for themselves not scotland as the indi result proved ..

    Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.

    Albert Einstein .

    Patriotism Is a devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people.
    Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally.

    Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.”

    George Orwell


I appreciate your opinion and I thank you.