Wednesday, 20 November 2013

A Guest Post by Apogee

The following is an email sent to me by Apogee in response to a link he sent me to Captain Ranty’s blog. I protested about CR’s use of the word racism for general cultural banter.  For many years I worked in England as well as Europe and banter was continuous in England amongst my English colleagues. “Auk aye the noo”, “Do you really have running water where you come from?”, “Gosh, I never knew people had TV in Scotland”. On and on it went but of course I gave as good as I got and there was plenty laughter.  Strangely, it was different in Germany. Nobody mocked my German (although I was often asked if I was Dutch) and in the village where I first worked I was known as die Schottin. I accepted the nickname as a term of acceptance within a small community.

Racism? And what is the definition and who decided it? The word is often used inappropriately these days by the press and those who don’t understand the true meaning.

What Ranty wrote reminded me of Australia in the 50's and 60's. We had a lot of "New Australians” and the ones specifically in mind are the ones from continental Europe, known today as the EUSSR.

A lot of them worked on the hydro power stations and "pigeon english"of one form or another was the language used. Australia expected them to learn English, no multiple translations for every damn notice.They were given lots of help to learn English, and most took it.  In a lot of ways it was the same as we have in this country now, without the Islamic problem. There was little of the "crawling" to them we see here, we had to work with them, they had to work with us, we all just got on with it. 

But in saying that, some of them were strange in that their heads were wired differently to ours. Most of them eventually fitted in; they had to learn new things and accept new ways, we had to understand that most of them were trying and  it usually worked out.  There were some we were certain had been recently residents of the local funny farm where they came from and sending them to Australia was a good way to be shot of them.

But looking at what is arriving here, I see the same craziness, same attitudes, i.e. Roma and similar from that area and I see the result of centuries of "selective” breeding; they evolved that way and they are not going to change easily. They are being allowed over here by the EUSSR so that the drawbridge can be raised and Europe's problem becomes ours. And by doing this, we, who are also seen as a problem by the EUSSR, will be too bloody busy trying to keep the lid on here to cause the EU problems. 

If the UK explodes or implodes, who cares, the EUSSR have solved two problems they have had for centuries. Neat trick eh!

Yes, Australia had the same problems but with nothing like the same quantities.  There is still the occasional ‘problem’ although they are two generations ahead of us in dealing with it.  We are just starting!  Like it or not we are a quarantine station for the EUSSR and all they have to do is raise the drawbridge.

How many millions are already here?  Nobody knows and the numbers are guesses.  How many are coming?  Same answer.  Can we do anything about it?  NO.

Try to put a block on the ports and we can’t - we are not allowed.  It’s not that the continentals don’t think like us, it’s that we don’t think like them.  This is a very important point.  It’s a point our politicians never fully understood and it’s how we ended up subservient to the EUSSR.  It’s our own fault we now have to do what the EUSSR says.

That’s the day’s rant, a quiet one.



  1. A thoughtful, reasonable article. It has been one of the triumphs of the race relations industry to turn the natural affinity which people feel for their own kind into a thought crime akin to putting people in gas chambers.

    There is a German term "Inselaffe" (Island Ape) which they sometimes apply to inhabitants of these islands. The editor of my local paper told me that he had frequently been the subject of this term when he lived in Essen.

    With regard to the normally good natured banter which goes on, I would recommend Flanders & Swann's send-up
    "The English, the English, the English are best,
    I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest"

    I can't remember what they sang about the Scots but of the Irish, they sang

    "The Irishman too our contempt is beneath.
    He sleeps in his boots and he lies through his teeth.
    He blows up policemen, or so I have heard
    And blames it on Cromwell and William the third".

    That was from more innocent days before the thirty years of the troubles.

    I pointed out to a German acquaintance how much more we knew about people before the days of PC and quoted Bismarck's summing up of the Bavarians as "Half human, half Austrian" - which told you a great deal more about Bismarck than any polite PC circumlocution.

  2. Excellent article however what I picked out of it was the UK's influence or should I say lack of it being a member of the EU (EUSSR is of course just as appropriate as it has been constructed on the socialist model of central planning and control with fake democracy thrown in). Much is spouted by those europhiles who have influence over our lives about if we were to leave the EU and just simply trade with it we would lose our influence to guide the EU in the UK's interest. As you have pointed out that is a myth and already does not exist coupled with which the EU has taken away the right of the UK to influence events independently elsewhere in the world. The EU was set up to benefit only two countries France and Germany and more and more just Germany these days so between them they were always going to ensure that if the UK joined it would only be in a straight jacket. As you point out how the Continental Europeans think and how the UK thinks is not compatible(having lived in France for quite a few years I am painfully aware of that fact). However the continentals though also not quite compatible are enough that they can ensure that UK influence is never allowed free rein. If the Scots do decide on independence they should be very thoughtful about joining or remaining in the EU as it may be a case of jumping out of the frying pan and not into just the fire but a furnace.

  3. Do the posters on CR and here ever take notice that the UK is in the EU

    rosa ,why on earth do you bother with such ignorant people

  4. Footy,

    Yes, we do.

    The difference is this: the UK may get a referendum on leaving the EU in 2017, but for those of us living in Scotland, it is highly unlikely. Especially if we vote 'Yes' on September 18 next year.

    The indy ref is not about independence. It will keep us in the EU while those south of the border have a chance to escape.

    It is sneaky and underhanded, in my opinion, of the SNP not to be open and honest about this vital (but hidden) aspect of the referendum.

    But then, the SNP have lied, lied, and lied again about the EU for years now.

    I won't bang on about it here. I laid out my thoughts in the original post.

    I will stand for almost any insult, but not being called ignorant. I am super-aware of the implications of this so-called independence.

    If you doubt me, why don't you look up the definition of 'independence'?

    Then show me where it says:

    Independence-in which a nation breaks away from one union only to swear fealty to another 10 seconds later.

    We will get new chains, and they won't be anything like the ones we wear today.


  5. The natural order is surely family, tribe and nation. Why have we allowed our Marxist 'leaders' to destroy this?

    The 'family' is now a single mother with three children by five different fathers, (one of who is a twin) or a pair of homosexual 'parents' and a trophy child with no genetic connection to either. The 'tribe', the local grouping or 'community' is broken by mass immigration or the sowing of distrust between its natural members. It has been said that it takes a village to bring up a child but now there is no 'village', the 'friendly neighbour' is now 'stranger danger' and contact is only permitted with those with 'non-detected crime' approval.
    The 'nation' has been destroyed by the EU. Our 'national' politicians posture about the changes they will make but in reality VAT, Postal Privatisation, HS2, Energy Market, EU Budget, Foreign Trade are all tied-up as non-negotiable EU 'competencies'. All part of the EU ratchet, once done never to be undone. Classic Marxist 'entry-ism', bore everyone to death, slip in your changes between 20,000 other pages and sit back, knowing full well that there is not a hope of a 27 nation consensus to undo what has been wrought.

  6. Of course I concur with Apogee’s rant but he said he would resply to you all and he hasn’t done so. Time for me to investigate. :)

  7. Message from Apogee.

    ‘Sorry I haven’t responded to you all but I’m having problems getting Google to recognise my name and info. Hope to have it resolved by the morning’.

  8. Cr --are you seriously telling us that France is not an independent nation ?

  9. Captain ranty -- the Eu doesn`t control tax and spend ,foreign policy ,welfare ,--all of these for Scotland ,westminster controls .
    Policies which are on many occasions to our detriment and on nearly all occasions against the wishes of the majority of residents in Scotland .

  10. Captain ranty ---I think being in the EU is a good outcome for Scotland --and by the way dont take a vote by ruk to leave the EU as guaranteed

  11. Footdee. I believe you live in a parallel universe you obviously do not know how the EU works now and how it aims to work in the future. Everything you say it does not control it either has a very heavy influence on or does or will do eventually. The concept of the EU is something that would be difficult to argue against what is not difficult to argue against is how it has been designed and built so that in practice it does not do that for which it was intended. It is going further and faster than the citizens of the EU were ever told it would and without their direct consent. Only those hard of thinking can possibly believe that as the EU stands is an institution that any nation should remain a member of. All that you have been told by the EU loving politicians and bureaucrats is either lies or at best obfuscation and meant to scare people into wanting to stay in the EU.

  12. Footy,

    "Cr --are you seriously telling us that France is not an independent nation ?"


    I am telling you that NOT ONE OF THE 28 MEMBER STATES is an independent country. Not one.

    I am staggered by your naivety.

    Look around the room you are in right now. There is not one single item in it that is NOT regulated by the EU. The wallpaper, the paint, the doors, the doorknobs, your PC/laptop, the plug you use to power it up, the carpets, the lino, the light-bulbs, the windows. Everything you see, feel and touch in your house is covered under the Acquis Communitaire.

    252,000 EU regulations. Those same regulations that cripple British business. And you want more???

    "Captain ranty ---I think being in the EU is a good outcome for Scotland --and by the way dont take a vote by ruk to leave the EU as guaranteed"

    The first half: yes it is, if you simply want to swap Westminster for Brussels. One master for another, more sadistic, power-hungry, controlling master. The EU is a "get out of the shit card" that Salmond must have and will play if/when the numbers don't stack up. He (we) will need somewhere to run if it all goes titsup.

    The second half: I agree. But half a chance with rUK is a damn sight better than not being asked at all by the SNP.

    By all means campaign for independence, but for God's sake don't campaign blindly. Don't campaign for independence when (under the SNP) it will never arrive.

    Campaign for TRUE independence and I will join you with every atom I possess.


  13. Oops!

    Now what?

    Wee Eck has no Plan B.

    The euro???

    Something else???


  14. Footdee. I believe you live in a parallel universe you obviously do not know how the EU works now and how it aims to work in the future.

    who knows the future ,but I do know that westminster controls Scotland`s purse and all of the matters that concern you are already controled by westminster.--- I feel that you are using the Eu as a excuse ,why not come out and say you are a british nationalist {not in the BNP sense of course ]

  15. Cr --the standardisation of goods in the EU is a minor point indeed such standards are becoming world wide
    "By all means campaign for independence, but for God's sake don't campaign blindly. Don't campaign for independence when (under the SNP) it will never arrive.

    Campaign for TRUE independence and I will join you with every atom I possess. "
    well in that case there are parties wno will suit your objectives --a group called the scottish democratic alliance have some good ideas
    Indeed vote for a party who advocates leaving the Eu after we are independent and one will arise

    But its not that with you ,is it ?
    its the whole concept of an independent Scotland .
    you give your self away with sneers like "wee Eck" ,this Man has taken Scotland to the brink of scotland being independent and if you were genunine you would give him praise for that

  16. Footdee. It appears to me you are driven by prejudice not from objective analysis. Although I can understand that you maybe enamored by the concept of the EU; a large common market making all it's citizens more prosperous, everyone living in harmony and security under one polity. However that is not the reality it is not achieving much of that and will if allowed to continue in it's present and future envisaged form will impoverish us all, politically, socially and economically. I do not believe a nation should give up it's sovereignty unless there are considerable advantages for doing so as far as I can see the EU does not come close to offering that.

    We do know the future not with certainty but in some cases with high probability that certain things will occur. The EU has made it clear it's objectives and aims and short of a catastrophe they will achieve them. This means that in the future member states will have very little say in their own affairs. Already the EU has taken over many competencies that were formally only the preserve of it's sovereign state members. I am not a nationalist I am a Welshman and I do not crave independence being a member of the UKGBNI for me works to my benefit. If I thought that being a member of the EU would work for me I would also want that but I do not believe it has been designed and built in my or anyone's best interest and it should be dismantled and it should be rebuilt to a totally different design using democracy as the foundation.

  17. Footdee, although I’m sure you’ll disagree, I consider my readers are exceptionally well informed on matters regarding UK and EU politics.

    Ignorance is when someone refuses to acknowledge others’ opinions and insists theirs is right.

  18. Ranty and Antisthenes, excellent comments.

    Footdee, it’s time you looked at the bigger picture. It’s frying pan to fire with the EU. I too would be out on the streets campaigning for an independent Scotland along the lines of Norway and Switzerland.

    As for criticising someone for calling Alex Salmond ‘wee Eck’, that’s laughable. Many staunch SNP supporters affectionately give him that nickname. Wakey wakey!

  19. rosa --"Ignorance is when someone refuses to acknowledge others’ opinions and insists theirs is right."


    Footdee. I believe you live in a parallel universe you obviously do not know how the EU works

  20. As for criticising someone for calling Alex Salmond ‘wee Eck’, that’s laughable. Many staunch SNP supporters affectionately give him that nickname. Wakey wakey!
    Now what?

    Wee Eck has no Plan B.
    Said with affection ???

  21. Footy,

    "Said with affection ???"

    I have no affection for ANY politician, so no.

    Your leader let the side down very badly today.

    Who knew that "Independence" for Scotland meant:

    Keeping the currency

    Keeping the monarch

    Keeping Dr Who

    Keeping Strictly Come Get Me Out Of Here

    Keeping the borders

    Keeping the same immigration policy

    Keeping, well, keeping just about everything we have now.

    Apart from the nukes. We don't want them. Or the Bedroom Tax.

    He killed off your dream, and his, in less than two hours.

    Very disappointing. And sadly, very predictable.


  22. Captain --most of your list is good sense
    what you leave out about independence is

    deciding our own tax and spend

    deciding our foreign policy

    deciding war and peace .

    deciding welfare policies

    and of couse being in the top ten nations with the highest GDPs

  23. Footy,

    Your last point is the only one that will be true. For a while.

    The EU want absolute control over member nations. Do you think for one minute that the EU will allow Scotland to make those decisions on her own?

    Look at Greece, look at Cyprus, look at Ireland and Spain.

    They are having a horrible time right now and it is because none of them should have joined the eurozone. They did, and it ruined them.

    If we join in 2016 we will be forced to join the euro. Only two countries have opt-outs: the UK and Denmark. Scotland will have no choice in the matter.

    I appreciate that you loathe Westminster. So do I. Their ineptitude is beyond measure.

    But Salmonds plan is weak and unconvincing.


  24. captain
    "The EU want absolute control over member nations. Do you think for one minute that the EU will allow Scotland to make those decisions on her own?"
    well they do the other member states when that changes we can have the debate then .
    "They are having a horrible time right now and it is because none of them should have joined the eurozone. They did, and it ruined them.

    If we join in 2016 we will be forced to join the euro. Only two countries have opt-outs: the UK and Denmark. Scotland will have no choice in the matter."
    thats not true about Scotland having to join the Euro its a lie spread by the unionist parties ,
    --yes the euro has been bad for those countries you mention because they have not the power to devalue ,and have to take the cutting back spending and living standards route which will in the long run bring their economies back to being more productive and then being in a strong currency will benefit them ,contrast with the uk which devalued continuing the long decline since the war .

    "I appreciate that you loathe Westminster. So do I. Their ineptitude is beyond measure."
    captain then you know the action to take --vote yes


I appreciate your opinion and I thank you.