Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter SR. Have fun.
    I hope your depleted gnashers can manage a wee easter egg.
    Although I think too much chocolate is bad for you again. Although that may have changed since I last looked.

  2. Happy Easter.

    - Aangirfan

  3. It has RMc, but you have to wash the stuff down with red wine and an aspirin. Also apparently oysters with hot chocolate sauce does wonders for the Joie do Vivre.
    Happy Easter to you too Rosie.

  4. Sounds good Hamish :) Prefer scallops though.
    Might be a good time for a Spring clean of your links SR.
    Leggy, EUreferendum and BiasedBBC have moved sites.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I didn't have an egg this year RM, but a packet of Wicked Chocolate drops. Prior to opening them I rolled the packet of course. :)

  7. Thank you Aangirfan. May your weekend be everything you want it to be.

  8. Hamish, I couldn't think of anything more revolting than oysters and hot chocolate sauce. I'll have to speak to my oyster loving friend about it.

  9. Ah RM, yes I must do some tidying. Thanks for reminding me.

  10. Have a lovely spring thing...I don't do the E thing xxx but I love the global warming bunny excellent!

  11. I used to do with the family were young nominedeus but it was never a very notable occasion.


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