Monday, 5 March 2012



  1. SR, I am not one to be left speechless normally, but this has managed just that!

    Actually, I think all the examples you provide can be laid at the door or our non-existent education system.

    Or has 'mind-control' actually arrived?

  2. This one's virtually on your doorstep Rosie.

  3. Not so long ago some one blogged that the average intelligence level of humans is not very high and most humans are below average.Are these an example of this fact ?

  4. The one about the teeth cracked me up. What on earth?.....

  5. That was my first thought WfW - has the word thinking been taken out of our vocabulary.

  6. That's a good one Joe. Hadn't seen it before.

  7. They went sent to me by email WoaR and I tried to find the source of that one, because I too was wondering about it. Conjures up lots of scenarios doesn't it.

  8. Actually, I reckon the "other door" and "staff teeth" notices are guerrilla spoofs by staff driven spare by (a)micro-management intended to remove all initiative in the pursuit of standardised service levels; and (b) anti- "no-win-no-fee" legal action over-defensiveness.
    I remember once seeing on a noticeboard the mission statement "To provide reliable public transport for travellers by delivering the consistent operation of key components through quality engineering", thinking that made sense until someone said sotto voce "the wheels on the bus go round and round."

  9. You could well be right Brian. Of course, with union backing, the writers have no problems. :)


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