Sunday, 4 March 2012

Irish Taxi Drivers Aren't Any Wiser

Irish journalist Vincent Browne confronts the ECB's Klaus Masuch demanding to know where the money is going.

If you're Irish and in any doubt how to vote in the forthcoming referendum, watch this exchange. It could change your opinion from this.

Now I know why these people need 'management' - such as he has on his right hand side?


  1. "If you're Irish and in any doubt how to vote in the forthcoming referendum, watch this exchange. It could change your opinion …"

    Would have to add –

    If you're Scottish and in any doubt how to vote in the forthcoming Scottish Referendum, watch this exchange. It could change your opinion.

    With or without ‘fiscal union’, the EU is a dead man walking.

  2. Klaus must have went to the same school as Michael Moore.

  3. Yes I should have added that JRB.

  4. Aye, indeed KBW! We need some journalists like Mr Browne though. Some who will ask the questions and insist upon answers.

    This is a prime example of why politicians don't want public meetings to be videoed. They should all be recorded in this way. Maybe then we'd get a higher quality of representative at all levels.

  5. They will continue to not answer because they have the power to do so.
    The EU can and will ignore us because that is the way it is set up.Democracy and us are things to ignore, it was always intended and designed that way. Any answers are for their benefit, not ours.

  6. Unfortunately I think you're right Apogee. So much for all the lives lost in the wars to preserve democracy.


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