Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A Modern Greeting

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Please excuse this old cynic.

    But Valentines Day has gone the way of Christmas. It has become an unseemly commercial extravaganza. It has been hijacked by the retailer solely to make a quick buck. The price of cards has been hyped, as has chocolates, and as for flowers.
    Now it is purely the value of the item that feelings are measured by and not the depth of emotion that went into the gift.

    So let us return to a simpler time, when a few words, said from the heart, were sufficient to express our Love.
    And whilst we are at it, let us share some of our love, be it a friendly smile or a kind word to our neighbour, someone at work, the old soul in the queue.

    May each and everyone have a truly lovely day.

  2. May I concur with your opinion JRB. It's for these very reasons I decided upon the image because it could apply to anyone anywhere.

  3. Another 'celebration' long on expectation and short on real feeling, (as you say) hijacked by a voracious industry hell-bent on profit on the back of mawkish sentimentality.

    I love the word mawkish, I so seldom get the chance to use it.

  4. A mawkish event by hawkish promoters pa_broon.

  5. C'mon JRB

    "But Valentines Day .......has become an unseemly commercial extravaganza. It has been hijacked by the retailer solely to make a quick buck. The price of cards has been hyped"

    Where's your romantic sense of adventure gone?



I appreciate your opinion and I thank you.