Sunday, 26 February 2012

Entertainment Lodge Style

What really happens at the Freemasons' Lodge

It's the manny on the left who intrigues me. Is he hypnotised?

I note the YouTube uploader doesn't state the Lodge location. No idea why.


  1. Thank you Miss, very impressive but this is the dining hall. Your aerobics class is waiting in the gym, next door.

  2. Said after the demonstration of course WoaR. :)

  3. I analysed the video SR ( for purely scientific reasons) and found it to be fake.
    The ladies chair is always level despite being used on a set of steps.
    Oh and there would be lap dancing type music ( whatever that is ;) )rather than a fake old fashioned camera sound.
    Nice legs she has though ;)

  4. Looks like Broughty Ferry. But the girl may have been added by some kind of fakery. Masons usually prefer boys.

    - Aangirfan

  5. Ah, I see how you spend your spare time RM. ;) Thought it could be fake but it amused me.

  6. Ah Dundee's den of iniquity Broughty Ferry. You're possible correct in your assumptions Aangirfan - as usual.

  7. I hope she reads these handy dos and don'ts before her next interview. As a rule of thumb, trousers are a must in order to give a good impression. How else can one roll up the left trouser leg to prove one's qualifications?

  8. Rosa .

    None of the Gentlemen in the video are wearing their aprons, so they cannot be real Freemasons .. lol


  9. TBD, they'd obviously finished the washing up before the show. :)


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