Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Scotsman Typo

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Trust the Scotsman to milk a Scottish independence referendum headline!

Does someone in the Scotsman's offices think Mr Sheridan would be moo-dy if he took an active part in the referendum campaign?

Update:  The error was amended shortly after 7am. 


  1. Twa coos are stood in a field - which wan's on holiday?

    The wan wi' the wee calf :oD

    (I'll get my coat...)

  2. There's another amusing mistake in the Scotsman today subrosa. In the article about Unite's Len McCluskey lambasting Miliband we have the following gem:

    Mr Miliband added: “The real points of differentiation between Labour and the government on the economy are now very hard to identify...”

    At least I think that's a mistake. It's hard to tell these days given the ongoing unintentional comedy act of Miliband and Balls.

  3. He wasn't on the Horns of a Dilemma then?

  4. What do you call a cow that's in the army?

    A military coup.

    That's all I've got.

  5. @forfar-loon: Great joke! I understood it because on BBC Midlands Today the new weather forecaster, Sarah Cruikshank, (ex-BBC Alba)


    has the broadest Gaelic accent and one has to refer to the weather chart to make out what she is saying. Definitely not an argument in favour of Union. Are there any Brummies on telly in Scotland?

  6. I liked it forfar-loon. Come back in, it's cauld ootside.

  7. I'm finding it hard to decide if that's a mistake or not FL. It certainly seems a pointless sentence.

  8. Thanks pa_broon. Your efforts are much better than mine.

  9. West coast highlanders are said to speak the purest English Brian. I've yet to meet anyone who didn't say their dialect wasn't music to the ears.

    Oh dear, I don't think so but I'll listen harder. Having come from Shropshire back home, my young family had a brummie accent - although I wasn't so aware of it when we lived there.

    However, I'm pleased to say after a few years they stopped speaking through the nose and adopted a rather pleasant Scottish one which they have to this day. Like me, I doubt if it will ever leave them even if they don't live here.

  10. Rosie,

    I thought that HM the Queen spoke Morningside Ladies English :). I agree that the Hebrides accent sounds lovely, that soft musical lilt - Whisky Galore and Gregor Fisher's Highlander Angus character from OHBC - spring to mind but it's a complication when listening to the weather. I must go back to the Western Isles again.
    A brummie accent in Shropshire? I've always detected hints of Welsh. As for the brummie accent, outsiders muddle it with Black Country which is similarly nasal. I was chatting with this woman once who told me she came from Warsaw. I complimented her on her good English and said dzen dobry to reveal the extent of my vocabulary and she looked oddly at me "Walsall", she replied slowly. Polish and Gaelic share that susurrant sound like walking through dried leaves.

  11. From what I remember about Shropshire accents Brian, the 'ing' was always heavily emphasised.

    Love the Polish/Gaelic description. :)


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