Thursday, 12 January 2012

Edinburgh University's New Rector

This time last year there was plenty talk, both in the MSM and the blogosphere, about the campaign for rector at Edinburgh University. Iain MacWhirter was the worthy winner.

This year I've heard nothing until I read this.

Mr McColl's election seems to have been along the lines of Gordon Brown's coronation. Why were there no other candidates?  One student (in the comments) complains the announcement is the first time he's ever heard of Mr McColl.

For his benefit here's a brief CV.  Mr McColl is a career politician so perhaps that's the reason many couldn't acquire interest in the campaign. One question intrigues me- where do materialists go once they deny materialism? At least one has returned to his old university without ever working in the real world.

The greenies of course are delighted. Could it be that any green space owned by Edinburgh University will shortly be home to a windmill?


  1. OK – I give up.

    Could some kind soul please explain to this confused and befuddled old codger, in words of one syllable, the meaning of –

    What is ‘the significant’ and if it is that significant, how come I’ve missed it?

  2. "where do materialists go once they deny materialism?"

    The Achilles heel of all those who want an end to capitalism and materialism including the "Occupy" people.

    They never seem to explain what their alternative would be. Lot's of people, myself included, would like to see a change with the rampant greed/cronyism/waste being addressed. Without wealth creation how would any system work?

  3. JRB, you're a brave man. I couldn't even begin to tackle it in the post. :)

  4. Thanks for explaining TT. They have no solutions other than to ensure we return to poverty.

  5. I thought the slogan was a "post-modern" joke until I saw the expression on the chap's face -definitely not mistakable for a ray of sunshine. Somebody please give the lad a Tunnock's Caramel Wafer to restore his smile :o)
    I think a sense of humour is significant.

  6. It is Brian, but do greenies smile?

  7. Greenies can smile quite happily SR. They never have to suffer the results of their eco loon policies. They're mostly in highly paid charity jobs or teaching jobs with a good safe pension to look forward to. No switching off the heating to save money for them.

    Enjoy the freedom to speak about windmills etc as the window is closing.....

  8. Aaron Copland (no "e" in the name) composed "Appalachian Spring". Is the faith referred to in this work the one that matters to him? We prefer the original 13 piece chamber work.

  9. Post materialist youth trying to rediscover the significant.

    Means: It's what a spotty youth sitting in his bedroom does when his playstation ceases to work.

    I could be quite rude here but I'll spare Rosa the blushes.


  10. Rosie, RMcGeddon is right, but the joke is on the rest of us, eg "green" windmills owned by the multinational capitalist conspiracy (the 1%). And when the global warming carbon scam is finally unmasked as phooey they will shrug and say "we meant well".

  11. Thanks for the link RM. Every little helps.

  12. I prefer the chamber work too Demetrius. Wonderful sound.

  13. I think I get your gist pa_broon. ;)

    ps I don't blush easily!

  14. That's the problem - or one of them Brian. In 20 years time the countryside will be covered in rusting wndmills and nobody will accept the responsibility for them.

    They will cost the next generation a fortune to dismantle and scrap.

  15. Why is no "Greenie" brave enough to dispense with using the National Grid?

    They're hypocrites at the expense of the rest of the population.

  16. That link might be wrong SR. Seems to be blank now.
    First saw the story here..

  17. Maybe some do Joe or they ensure they acquire subsidies for their solar powered homes.

  18. RM, it was blank but I went through the menu. :) Clever eh?

    Thanks for the alternative link though. Much appreciated.

  19. It's still blank RM. I can't find any details anywhere.

  20. You missed your window of opportunity SR. Looks like it's disappeared right enough. Cancel the popcorn lol.

  21. Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once:

    The <a ref=" link thingy appear to be u/s

  22. I'm now wondering why it was taken down RM. :)

  23. Probably legalese stuff SR. Thanks Brian.

  24. Aye RM, that's the only reason I can think of too.


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