Sunday, 18 December 2011

A Nightmare Most Of Us Are Ignoring

I know some of you have already read and contributed to the Plan B article at Newsnet Scotland, but for the benefit of those who have not, the link is here.

The video explains the causal links between ETC derivatives, the financial crisis of 2008, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Jon Corzine and MF Global.  All these people are now exceptionally wealthy and it must be difficult for the average American to accept that Alan Greenspan - one of those who is responsible for the crisis- is now an advisor to the US government.

One of my readers asked me, "Is this the reason the AGW scam is being pushed so hard? To get cash?".  I had no answer but he suggested it won't work because the financial hole is too big.

Having viewed the video and David Malone's essay I hesitate to agree, but none of us can afford to ignore the nightmare any longer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been following the MF Global scandal on zero hedge and it's pretty mind blowing. I quite enjoy all the intricacies of how collapses happen etc but it totally flummoxed me ...

    The global warming scam seems to be the last throw of the dice. Squeezing as much out of us as possible before that scam is bust as well.

  3. Armageddon is nigh.

    … and if on the day of Armageddon there is a second coming – the he‘d better be an accountant/economist.

  4. I should have put a link to zerohedge too RM as I follow that too.

    I think so (about AGW), but politicians will never admit it, even though some must surely know it.

  5. If you read certain blogs and papers JRB, you would know he'd be a social worker. :)

  6. Tut tut, JRB & SR 11:25.

    To comply with current Political-Correctness dictats, your statements should read "......he or she......."

  7. Oops Joe, I sit corrected. I should have said 'they' perhaps. :)

  8. I've been banging on for the past couple of years that the financial crisis is bigger than the banks, bigger than some governments even.

    I said two years ago we were in for at least a couple of decades of pain.

    There is no quick fix to this; well there is, but the financial readjustment would bring immense hardship around the world.

  9. I'm sure you get no pleasure from saying 'I told you so' Del. It's going to get worse too. This is only the beginning.


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