Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A Drama Documentary Not To Be Missed

At 9pm last Friday evening BBC2 (Scotland) television broadcast a programme KJB - The Book That Changed The World. It is a drama documentary to mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. I didn't watch it then and neither did I record it, but I'm so grateful to the friend who raved about it in an email.

The BBC iPlayer describes it:

'John Rhys-Davies leads us back into a darker time to discover this fascinating tale of saints and sinners'.

Last night I viewed it on iPlayer and found it to be one of the best programmes I've viewed all year.  I'm not sure if readers who live outside Scotland can access BBC2 Scotland on iPlayer and I'm also confused as to why the BBC has denied the rest of the UK the pleasure of this excellent programme, but if you can view it here, I doubt if it will disappoint.


  1. Don't you mean 400th anniversary, Rosie? Your date would put the creation of the KJB back in 1967. just when all the 'modern' versions were starting to come out.

  2. I do Richard and thank you for pointing that out. Believe it or not I did proof read it too. Scrambled brains I must have.

  3. I watched it when it was being broadcast last week and agree it was an excellent programme; I think I 'tweeted' about it at the time. Also agree it is curious it was not broadcast across the whole BBC2 network - whatever I may think of the underlying message in the text, it is certainly one of the most important documents ever written in the English language.

  4. Rosa.

    I now live in Cincinnati and I can access it - I will watch it in its entirety when it is prudent for me to do so (Christmas Chores to Do)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours

  5. It was a brilliant programme I really enjoyed it & there were a few articles in the papers as well on the same subject. Whatever we may think of current religion the influence of the KJB is immense in our society now, even if it is not actually understood it's still there subliminally.

  6. The production was superb Bill and pleased to hear you watched it.

    It is a book which influenced society for 400 years and that's no mean feat. I think it ought to be shown in schools - not for the religious message (if there is one) but to show children that history can be intriguing.

  7. BD, don't forget to watch it before next Thursday as it's only on iPlayer until then.

    A Merry Christmas to you and yours too.

  8. I missed the articles in the papers Observer but glad you too enjoyed this production - tucked away on BBC Scotland.

    There's a question - how long do we think the KJB will hold influence in today's society? Another 100 years or less? It's a complex one. Some say it will come back 'into fashion' and others say it's past its sell-by date.

  9. Rosie,

    I wanted to drop in and thank you for putting that link up. I just got finished watching it and enjoyed it thoroughly. As well as learning a lot.

    Seems to me we can apply the same sentence to QEII for treason. The precedent is set: that's how they did for Mary Queen of Scots. Same crime, so we should mete out the same punishment.

    BTW, most of the maxims I quote over at my place have their origins in the KJB.

    Thanks again.


  10. Pleased to hear you enjoyed it Ranty. I too learned quite a bit and yes, I think we can use the same sentence.


I appreciate your opinion and I thank you.